Comfort Cookies

Small steps toward big things. That's the motto that I have been living by lately. Sticking with small decisions to better life in the long run. Today was a day that neither Jonah nor I will ever forget. It was a day that we have been prepping our three year old for, for months. It was the day the doorbell rang and a strange smelling man walked into our home....and took away our cable. My husband and I had made the decision before Christmas, that beginning in the new year we were getting rid of TV in our home. There are many reasons for making this decision, but the biggest one was inspired by the fact that I just want to spend more time doing things as a family. I want to start reading more, cooking & baking more, taking time to go outside to build snow forts and have fires in our fire pit. I want to drink tea at my beautiful dining room table with my interesting and intelligent husband. I want to do puzzles. Lots and lots of puzzles. The kind of puzzle where the pieces are so small that it's abundantly frustrating yet equally satisfying when you get a piece that fits.

I want to enjoy my babies when the moments are good, and I want to enjoy them when the moments are hard, because I realize that time goes by too quickly. I want to be the kind of family that blows up the kiddy pool in the middle of autumn and fills it with big squishy pillows and blankets, cuddles up and watches the night sky. I want to take spontaneous weeknight trips to the canal to see the ice sculptures. I want my kids to go to sleep at night dreaming about what adventures they might have the next day, and what treasures they will find along their way. I want my kids to be different from the other kids when they finally do go to school. I'd like them to be confident in who they are, and know how to be comfortable being quiet. I want them to have a childlike innocence, and I don't want them to be accustomed to what the media says is normal. I'm not claiming that getting rid of the TV is going to make all of this happen, but I do believe it will help. I think it will open up windows of opportunity for us that perhaps we would usually pass by.

I just really wish I had decided to wait until after the final airing of the Bachelor :)

Comfort Cookies
The in a pinch - Oh my goodness we have no television (or groceries) and my child is bored cookie.


1 Package of Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip cookie dough mix (1b)
1/3 cup of unsweetened coconut
1/3 cup of raisins
Palmful of slivered almonds
1/2 cup of quick cooking oats

Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Make cookies as directed on the package, and then stir in the rest of the ingredients (or let your 3 year old go to town squishing the dough with his hands). Drop by rounded spoonful onto baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.

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