Whole Wheat Gingerbread Cookies

These cookies are similar to the popular "Big Soft Ginger Cookies", on AllRecipies.com, but they have a little more depth to them.

Most stay at home moms like me, can probably related to how utterly insane it is dragging all three kids out to the grocery store. Cold days like today, when my fridge is near bare, I find myself scrambling for snacks to pack in my sons lunch for school. These cookies are super fast to whip up, and made with whole wheat and molasses, there are definite benefits to eating these cookies. Obviously, as with everything, in moderation.

Positively Perfect Paleo (Fudge)

A healthy version of a Peanut Butter Cup!
I am having some friends over this coming Saturday, and the whole group of us are riddled with food aversions, intolerances and allergies. It's been quite the struggle to come up with something fun and healthy to serve. My friend Jenn brilliantly had an idea to make a type of Paleo fudge so she sent me the recipe. I went out yesterday, bought the ingredients that I didn't already have in my cupboard and made a test run. HOLY SMOKES, it came out perfectly. BETTER than I had hoped. It's the perfect little morsel of sweetness, very reminiscent of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I made mine with dark cocoa and for texture I added a few table spoons of crushed peanuts. These have definitely made their way into my families roster of favorites. It's virtually guilt free, and so handy to have stored in the freezer for last minute company. They are slightly messy for my two year old. Simon likes to hold treats in his hands and savor them... this fudge melts quickly creating a massive mess. My suggestion for them, is to make them in mini muffin tins, and once frozen pop them into a large Ziploc and keep them in the freezer. I plan on serving them straight from the freezer with a cappuccino on the side.

Lise's Super Easy Fancy Pasta

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Finally, after a very long but much needed hiatus, I am back. The past year of my life has been nothing short of a roller coaster. I got pregnant, had a baby, nursed my son Simon back to health, bought and sold a house, helped my best friend through a divorce, tried to get a charity up and going, and now - well I am just trying to catch my breath.

On March 10th, 2014 we joyfully welcomed Isabella Hope Pelletier into our family. I still have trouble accepting the fact I have a daughter. She's beautiful, sweet, and I am so grateful for all the shopping trips and mani's in our not to distant future.

Bella Hope
The pregnancy was tough, so my cooking/baking endeavours ceased. I was so sick that the smell of everything made me ill. I needed Diclectin to get through my days and to keep food and water down. I have been finding it hard lately to find a proper balance between taking care of everyone else, and myself. I have suffered from Post Partum Depression with all my children, but this time it's different. It's more dark, and debilitating, and for lack of a better word "Hovering". There have recently been some major life changes going on, so I think that coupled with just having a baby, well I didn't really stand a chance. I have found hope though, through various friends, family members, and my doctor.

I have a friend who lost his wife almost a year ago, and I find him incredibly inspiring. He took up Karate, and now has a black belt, he wanted to learn guitar, so he went out and bought one and is teaching himself. He always wanted to be a runner, so he joined some friends at work and is now running daily. Though he had every reason to hide under the covers and never leave, he pushes forward, and still manages to be an incredible dad to his beautiful 6 year old little girl.

So this is my new resolution. To take a little time, each day - for me. I am getting a guitar (Because it's just ridiculous that I don't have one) and I bought new runners, and have started wogging every day. I can't really commit to a full jog get, so I kind of walk, fast (Hence, the WOG).

One of my best girlfriends sent me this recipe. She tried it out on her family and loved it. I took it, made a few tweaks, and served it to my boys. OMG. It was delicious. Restaurant quality, minimum mess and work, and totally scrumptious.


Warm Sweet Pumpkin Spice Bread

With the cool weather slowly approaching (and reaching my second trimester), it was just a matter of time before the cravings started, I started baking again. I've been on a hot apple crisp kick, and now with Halloween approaching, I am on a huge pumpkin kick!

This bread, though not as 'skinny' as I would like, is the PERFECT compliment to my morning coffee. (Yes I am still having my morning coffee). The house smells amazing, and it literally took 15 minutes to whip up this batch while the kids ate breakfast. 

I will make this again, and I will lower the sugar content. There is nothing I hate more, than adding white granulated to sugar to my baking. Next time, I will try a little bit of maple syrup instead. That being said, in this instance, I will take comfort in the fact that there is a large quantity of pumpkin in this bread, which is extremely rich in dietary fiber, anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. The kids eat it, and for the health benefits of this, I am grateful. Did you know that like their orange comrades the sweet potato, pumpkins boast the antioxidant beta-carotene, which may play a role in cancer prevention, according to the Cancer Institute.